BREAKING NEWS: Shortly after the recording of tonight’s at-the-time untitled second episode of the day, the Mercury Radio Theatre Accent Area was hit with a 4.0 aftershock… thus the title of tonight’s episode.

The original title for this episode was ‘Jesus, Mike, Shut Up’.

BTW, listeners and/or readers: does it bother you that I use the term ‘show’ and ‘episode’ interchangeably? YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH WOOO! is the ‘show’, ‘AFTERSHOCK’ is tonight’s ‘episode’. Tonight, in the above paragraph, I followed the correct naming convention. Sometimes I don’t, so accept my apologies for all the times I’ve fucked it up, and for all the times I will fuck it up in the future.

Jesus, Mike, shut up.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
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YYYYW: Space, Pt. II – The Moon

It’s my favorite massive object that influences the tide THAT ISN’T YOU MOM!

Plus it’s not made of cheese.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Space, Pt. II - The Moon



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