YYYYW: Backdate This One As Well

I did it again, assholes.

I missed a Saturday Open Show. This is the S.O.S. for May… which I didn’t get to, due to circumstances completely within my control JUST LIKE LAST MONTH!

This should’ve been completed and posted on May 25th. Here it is: 7 days late, actually AND a dollar short, at least.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Backdate This One As Well
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YYYYW: Backdate This One

This is the Saturday Open Show for April… which I didn’t get to, due to circumstances completely within my control which I didn’t manage well at all. This should’ve been completed and posted on April 27th. That’s my bad all the way, kids.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Backdate This One
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YYYYW: Eat A Dick, Duane

If you’re asking yourself ‘which Duane specifically?’, please NOTE THE SPELLING! Come up with your best uneducated guess and then email that guess to yell@yourhost.me

Winners receive nothing. And you really didn’t think I’d use dick for the episode artwork, did you?

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Eat A Dick, Duane
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YYYYW: For My Nephews

So for my regular listeners, take note: this show is not geared to you.

This is for my Three Nephews – Huey, Dewey & Louie. Alas, I’m broke… but I am still an uncle with a cantankerous nature.


Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: For My Nephews
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YYYYW: March Sadness!

I love all my terrible, shitty fuckin’ shows Equally but this is my favorite. And since i installed a new theme here on the blog all the words are Capitalized which is AWESOME…

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: March Sadness!
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YYYYW: The Last Of Those Fires

If you don’t pay attention to the words that are coming out of my mouth during the show open or even later in the show, let me catch you up…

March will be a light month here for YYYYW. You’ll get your Hour Of Power on March 8th and your Saturday Open Show on March 30th and one Artist Spotlight sometime in between… and that’s probably gonna be it. Why?

Working on a relaunch of an old show of mine. And trying to clean up my act in other ways.

Catch ya on the flippity-flop.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: The Last Of Those Fires
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YYYYW: Corrupt File

It’s not the best show but its fun… and even though there is a huge fuck-up right in the middle, I left it in because it’s a fun artifact and I don’t give a shit.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Corrupt File
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YYYYW: Time For A New New Year’s Steve

I plan to end 2023 the same way I started it, and to start 2024 the way I started 2023… as a drunken buffoon. My every move is The New Tradition.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Time For A New New Year's Steve
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