YYYYW: Tonight’s The Day

A very special, very sexy THREE HOUR TOUR this Saturday. You’re welcome! But… In hindsight, I should have called this show Premorial Day.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Tonight's The Day
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YYYYW: May Days

Here’s a terrific hour of music for you… and YOU… right smack-dab in the middle of the week. May should be a busy month here on the program with a bevy of new episodes, and don’t forget: you can always take a quick dip in THE RIVER if necessary!


Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: May Days
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BREAKING NEWS: Shortly after the recording of tonight’s at-the-time untitled second episode of the day, the Mercury Radio Theatre Accent Area was hit with a 4.0 aftershock… thus the title of tonight’s episode.

The original title for this episode was ‘Jesus, Mike, Shut Up’.

BTW, listeners and/or readers: does it bother you that I use the term ‘show’ and ‘episode’ interchangeably? YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH WOOO! is the ‘show’, ‘AFTERSHOCK’ is tonight’s ‘episode’. Tonight, in the above paragraph, I followed the correct naming convention. Sometimes I don’t, so accept my apologies for all the times I’ve fucked it up, and for all the times I will fuck it up in the future.

Jesus, Mike, shut up.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
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YYYYW: Indifferent Friday


Yes, I will work on the blog formatting this week, Philistines…


Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Indifferent Friday
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YYYYW: The Last Of Those Fires

If you don’t pay attention to the words that are coming out of my mouth during the show open or even later in the show, let me catch you up…

March will be a light month here for YYYYW. You’ll get your Hour Of Power on March 8th and your Saturday Open Show on March 30th and one Artist Spotlight sometime in between… and that’s probably gonna be it. Why?

Working on a relaunch of an old show of mine. And trying to clean up my act in other ways.

Catch ya on the flippity-flop.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: The Last Of Those Fires
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YYYYW: Power To The People

With a title like that, you’d think this would be an ‘all request’ or ‘listener appreciation’ kinda episode.

You’d be wrong.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Power To The People
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