YYYYW: Live Reptiles, Karate And MAGIC

So way back in the early days of the internet, I found a JPEG of a roadsign advertising entertainment for children’s birthday parties. This show is inspired by that JPEG i have yet to find again, though I haven’t tried that hard.

Also, I know the blog looks like shit. I am fixing it. Not now, of course, maybe later.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: Live Reptiles, Karate And MAGIC
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YYYYW: All Uppers, No Downers

I made a good show before I laid the vocals on it, then I had a bad day… let’s see how it plays out!

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
YYYYW: All Uppers, No Downers
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I am back but it ain’t quite ‘HE IS RISEN’ territory just yet. But tonight we celebrate Jesus… again. Shit, didn’t we just do this in December?

ANYWAY it’s ‘Holy Weekend’ around here. A brand new HOUR OF POWER tonight (now with TWO hours), a very special THREE HOUR TOUR tomorrow for Bog Bro and Ken tomorrow… and then another Jesus-centric show on Easter Sunday.

Enjoy and God Bless*!



(* = Kidding about the ‘God Bless’, I really don’t care.)

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Wooo!
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